Thursday, December 24, 2009

Giving My Time

For Christmas we don't do the traditional I buy for you, you buy for me thing.  It went so horribly wrong for years it got to the point where we decided I would budget money for each of us and we'd buy what we really wanted.  Its been perfect ever since.  So since I don't really spend any money on hubby, but still want to give to him, I thought I'd try this...

So I cut some circles out of cardboard, painted them and inscribed them with acts of service for hubby.  I didn't take a pic of mine, but you get the idea from the pic below, my inspiration.

Idea found at Infarrantly Creative.

1. I'd do his portion of loading or unloading the dishwasher one time.
2. He gets out of one bathing the child folk free.
3. He gets 2 hours uninterrupted to himself, no honey do's or kids bursting in to bother him in his man cave.
4. I go and do groceries by myself.
5. One massage.
6. One homemade meal of his choice.
7. I'd do a special load of his laundry whenever he wants.
8. I'd make him a special lunch for work whenever he wants.

These are things that I believe mean a lot to him, and he was surprised to receive them.  When I don't have extra cash to give him, I can at least give myself and time.

And I think he appreciated it, cause he gave me a massage after I gave them to him.  ;)

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